Monday, February 15, 2010

Mercury Rising

It's been scorchingly hot the last few days in Bangalore. Two random thoughts came to my mind in this context.

What does the expression, 'the dog days of summer' mean? I had read it sometime back in some book. I don't remember it now.

Secondly, there is a Kannadiga saying that after 'Shivaratri', the chill goes away chattering 'Shiva! Shiva!' And true to that saying, there is a sudden, marked shift in the season after Shivaratri. It seems that whatever little winter was there in these parts vanished overnight just as Shivaratri ended. It certainly has been that way this time. The large number of trees cut down in the last couple of years due to the Metro work hasn't exactly helped. From noon till sunset, the glare is so intense it sometimes hurts my eyes.

I'll try and console myself by looking up 'dog days of summer' and some more funda about that Kannada saying.

1 comment:

  1. It is crazy indeed that you are stuck in a heat wave and I suffer this cold - volcanic ash et al. There was a short lived yet promising week with sunshine that brought everyone in this city to the streets. Hottest summers and coldest winters - as in most things, moderation is not the way of the world.


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