Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Question Ably - 30: Answer

The connect is Leander Adrian Paes. He partnered these ladies to win his six mixed doubles titles. For those interested in a little more gyan:

Wimbledon (1999) with Lisa Raymond
Australian Open and Wimbledon (2003) with Martina
US Open (2008), Australian Open (2010) and Wimbledon (2010) with Cara Black

As you may have noticed I'm on first name terms with Martina. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Question Ably - 30

Lisa Raymond, Martina Navratilova and Cara Black: Please give a very specific connect between these tennis players

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Murder of a Chipset

A few days ago my laptop died. This is what the technician had to say.

No laptop is bad enough, verse is worse. Anyway here it is.

Murder of a Chipset
It was a bleak morning in September
I try hard to forget, yet remember
I pressed the mains and then the power key
But the warmth didn't reach her. How could it be?
I pulled all the wires and tapped all the keys
Hoping she would revive. O please! O please!
Still she stayed inert, cold and lifeless
Out of warranty and fully hopeless.
Thus doomed within and in gloom without
I led her to the clinic hoping it was but a bout
Nothing serious, just a cable frayed, a key loose?
Surely all was well, it was a mere bruise?
The lady at the counter was squat and severe
As befits one who escorts a bier
A quick reading and then she said words I forget not
"Sir, you're late. Motherboard shot."


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