Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I saw this movie last weekend without a clue of its recent release or the wide acclaim it has received so far. 

Starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett, it is the story of a man who is born old and 'youngs' as the years go by, aging in reverse to die a baby. It is a kind of Forrest Gump as time-traveller. Though the story may appear outlandish, especially in the last half-hour of the movie, it is definitely worth seeing. 

Benjamin Button received nominations for Best Picture (Drama) and a few other categories in the recent Golden Globe Awards. It lost the Best Picture award to Slumdog Millionaire. Nor did any of the other nominations yield an award. You can visit to learn more about the movie. 

The movie is said to be based loosely on a Scott Fitzgerald story of the same name. You can read the story for free at If you prefer reading it piecemeal, one chapter at a time (of eleven chapters), you can do that at


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