Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Look! Daggers!

As you all know, I undertook an empirical survey of auto-rickshaws to understand the import of visual art they so proudly display as they sputter around. Here are the raw findings you're no doubt waiting for.

Sample: 500 autos
Observed visual art:
300: Dagger dripping blood
150: Serrated dagger dripping blood
20: Bollywood stars (recognizable as male or female; identity otherwise artfully concealed)
15: Bollywood stars (gender neutral)
 5: Sanjay Dutt
10: Taayi and/or tande aashirvada (Blessings of mother and/or father)


  1. 450/500! That is a lot of daggers :). I am surprised you did not mention the wise quotes. Let me jog your memory. "Believe a snake but never believe a girl". Rings a bell?

  2. Wow! That's dark! I mostly remember bollywood stars painted on the autos..daggers dripping blood seems like the new obsession now!

    Haha..you should do an empirical survey of lorries next. See how many "Horn Ok Please" you can find :)

  3. Why did you do this for?? But I have seen the daggers & bollywood stars & the blessings. Only problem with the blessings is the spelling. Mostly 'AARSHIWADA'. haha

  4. Today I saw another one: 'Tande, Taayi, Anna' at which point it looked like the chap had run out of space to write 'aashirvada'.


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