Sunday, June 19, 2011

Question Ably - 7

Bill Bryson writes in 'Down Under': "On our second day out from Broken Hill, we entered the mighty ______. Many people, even Australians, assume _____ is an Aboriginal term, but in fact it is a corruption of the Latin for 'no trees', and the name could not be more apt. For hundreds of miles the landscape is as flat as a calm sea and unrelievedly barren - just glowing red soil, tussocky clumps of bluebush and spinifex, and scattered rocks the colour of bad teeth. In an area four times the size of Belgium there is not a scrap of shade. It is one of the most forbidding expanses on earth."    Name _________.

1 comment:

  1. Answer: Nullarbor, from 'null' and 'arbor' / 'arboreus'.


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