Friday, June 17, 2011

Question Ably

I had circulated some quiz questions among friends where the focus was on the question, not on the answer. The idea being to have interesting questions a la the KQA questions. It's taken for granted that those who don't know the answer offhand will Google and Wiki to find out. That's perfectly fine. As I said, the spotlight is on the question.

Here are the questions 1 - 4. Question 5 was a picture quiz and will be posted separately.

Question Ably 1The NY Times opines this 'may be the single best thing ever accomplished by a committee'. 54 people participated in the endeavour over 7 years in 6 9-man subcommittees called 'companies'. What?

Question Ably 2A and B are brothers, both born in Jhelum, Pakistan. A went on to become the prime minister of his country. B went on to become and still is a leading painter, sculptor, and architect of his country. B's design of the Belgian Embassy in his country was rated by the International Forum of Architects as one of the 1000 best designed buildings around the world in the 20th century. A and B? 

Question Ably 3In 2010 - 11, consulting firm McKinsey carried out a study of this family-owned and managed Indian company under the code name 'Kamadhenu' (named after the wish-fulfilling cow in Hindu mythology). But its recommendations are in cold storage pending resolution of disputes among the family members. Name the company.

Question Ably 4X's highest test score was 256 against India. X was described by Y thus: "To say that he is the greatest batsman I have ever seen so far is to put it mildly." Ramachandra Guha informs us that X introduced Y to his (Y's) future wife. A sense of awe about X and perhaps gratitude for making the introductions led Y to name his son Z after X. (Ergo X = Z!)

Name X and Y. And if you're really desperate congratulate yourself on naming Z.

Answers on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. QA 1 Ans: The King James Bible.

    QA 2: Inder Kumar (A) and Satish (B) Gujral.

    QA 3: Kasturi & Sons (The Hindu)

    QA 4: Rohan Kanhai (X), Sunil Gavaskar (Y) and Rohan Gavaskar (Z). I should've said x/2 + y/2 = z. But since quite a few got this answer, no apologies offered.


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